In 2021, I had a few weeks before I started scoring King Tweety, so I decided to try my hand at writing a cello concerto. Unlike most of my work, this concerto is not born from a film or show. Just a musical diary I prodded day after day when we were all in our homes. After a few weeks, I finished it and filed it away to revisit down the line.
A few years later, I met Jay Yoon. Jay is a renowned dentist, and also a remarkable cellist – when he talks, he’s quiet and respectful. But when he steps behind his instrument, he’s a complete force. He rips the cello with no fear or hesitation, the mild mannered man turned into a cellist on fire. He’s played the instrument his entire life, and he jumps at the chance to pick it up whenever he can outside of his day job. I knew he’d be perfect play this piece.
We met in Silver Lake Meadow on a stormy spring day to film. I love taking musicians outside of their element and into the world to see what type of performance comes out. When I wrote this concerto, I intended it as an uplifting melodic force that builds to a massive crescendo. And Jay performing it against the gray April backdrop provided the perfect counterpart to the intention of the music.
Thank you to Jay (and his lovely wife Julie) for bringing this piece to life.